Welcome to NTW! We are the newest addition to the TBC Wholesale family of Services and Products designed specifically to service the Independent Tire Distributor.

For more than fifty years TBC Wholesale has been a leader in the replacement tire market and a key supplier to independent tire dealers throughout North America. The company's guiding principles of Performance, Engineering, Quality and Value continue to drive TBC to remain a cornerstone of reliability and quality for our customers.

TBC Wholesale markets and sells a portfolio of well known proprietary tire brands throughout North America and the World. The Multi-Mile, Cordovan, Sigma, Vanderbilt, Sumitomo, Eldorado, Telstar, and Jetzon brands are produced by nationally recognized manufacturers and have a reputation for quality, safety, and value. These brands are distributed through TBC Wholesale to independent retailers and wholesalers throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

In addition to high quality passenger, SUV and Light Truck tires, our dealers also have access to a comprehensive range of commercial, agriculture and specialty tires, as well as tire and automotive service related supplemental products such as those featured in the MatrixNT program. We support all of our programs with informative point of sale material, attractive signage and superior customer service.

At TBC, our goal is to be your complete line supplier, with the products and programs you need and the service and support you deserve.